Make sure you complete all three steps of the registration process, here is a brief guide...
Step 1 - Verification
For security reasons, we need to verify that you are the owner of the account (the registered resident at the property). To do this, please supply the following information:
- Account Number: you will find this on any correspondence (bills, reminder letter) from your supplier
- Last Name: the surname of the primary occupant who registered the account with the supplier
- Postcode: we need the postcode of the supplied property, which could be different to the billing address
If you have any queries about your information, please contact your supplier.
Step 2 - Registration
Once you've been successfully verified as the owner of the account, we need a few basic details about yourself. All information is required.
- Title
- First Name
- Last Name - this cannot be changed, so contact your supplier if it is incorrect
- Phone Number
- Email Address
Please remember to make sure that your phone number and email address are correctly formatted.
Step 3 - Activation
Once registered,we'll send you an email with a link to activate your account. Click the link (or copy and paste into your preferred browser) to create your password. Please check that your password...
- Is at least 8 characters long
- Has at least 1 upper case character
- Has at least 1 lower case character
- Contains at least 1 number
Don't worry if your activation link has expired, you will just need to reset your password.